After three years of waiting, the premiere of the second season of BESA series, produced by Adrenaline and Telekom Srbija, was held last night in Kombank Hall. The audience had the opportunity to watch the first two episodes of the hit series BESA, which viewers will watch for the first time on small screens on SUPERSTAR channel from November 27 every weekend from 9 p.m.
The audience greeted the cast, the crew of the series and the producers with a storm of applause. The characters who won over viewers during the first season, Uros, Dardan and Petrit, returned in the new sequel to the series, with additional new characters, and actors from Estonia are also a great refreshment. New plots and challenges await viewers on their small screens.
The gala premiere was attended by: Vladimir Lucic, Srdjan Shaper, Tea Korolija, Radivoje Bukvic, Milos Timotijevic, Milica Gojkovic, Hana Selimovic, Milan Maric, Mina Sovtic, Igor Stoimenov and many other personalities from public life.
The second season of BESA series begins its television life on November 27 with a broadcast on the Superstar channel every weekend from 9 pm, a few days later on December 1 on channel Prva from 10 pm.