Hide and Seek is a drama show authored by renowned film director Milos Misa Radivojevic that depicts life in a small Balkan town at the end of World War II. Through his intimate confession, the author introduces us to the moving, exciting and tragic fates of children who, in the newly liberated country, are responsible for the sins or victories of their parents.

“Hide and Seek” is a touching drama that stars children but targets an adult audience.

The universal and timeless message it portrays is addressed to millions of people who fail, in their pursuit of happiness, to listen to their inner child, and the children around them.

The cast includes Milan Maric, Aleksandar Bercek, Mihajlo Misa Janketic, Boris Isakovic, Svetozar Cvetkovic, Marta Bjelica, Vera Mujovic, Milica Zaric, Jelena Djokic, Jasna Djuricic, Branko Cvejic, Jovana Stoiljkovic, Igor Bencina and others.

Director Milos Misa Radivojevic received the Golden Antenna for Best Director in the FEDIS competition for his work on Hide and Seek, while the series was also screened at the 25th Geneva International Film Festival, as part of the International TV Series Competition.